Tuesday, December 22, 2009

White Christmas On The Mountain

J.D. did a movie clip of part of our snow covered property the other day when the snow was still fresh and brilliant white.I tried to post it here, but it is too large to upload. I have posted some pictures of our snow instead. We had fun watching Buddy as he bounded through the snow like a jack rabbit with a half run, half jump and sinking up to his belly with every hop. Now that it has been there a few days and has a crust on the top of it, he walks on the top of the snow occasionally falling through the crusted top. It is more work for him now and not so much fun.

We ventured off of the mountain today for my doctor's appointment. While we still have lots of snow on our ridge, the area below is quickly becoming snow free. With it only three days until Christmas I am pretty sure that there will still be snow on J.D.'s mountain come Friday morning unless it warms up enough to rain.

This time of year always sparks memories from long ago in a little town called Washington Court House, Ohio. I remember when we had a really good snow my mother would take a large bowl out into the yard and fill it with snow. She would then bring it into the house and with a little sugar, some milk, and a dash of vanilla she would work magic and make snow cream. She spooned it out into cereal bowls for my brother Joey and me. To a little girl of 7 or 8 years old that snow cream was better than any ice cream cone from the Dairy Queen in the heat of summer.

From snow cream my memories continue on to playing in the snow. My mother always bundled us up nice and warm before sending us out to get our daily dose of sunshine and fresh air. I remember my mother saving bread bags in a kitchen drawer. To insure that we didn't get wet and cold from the snow she put those same bread bags over our mittens and over our socks before we put on our boots. When we were fully bagged, it was then time to go outside and build our snowmen. We happily broke branches out of the trees for the arms, all the while wishing we could build an army of snowmen so there wouldn't be any branches left to be used for switches on two children that lived in our house that sometimes misbehaved. Well, Joey misbehaved a lot more than I did. Joey and his friends would build snow forts and have wars throwing snow balls back and forth at each other. We didn't just go out and play for a few moments, we played until Mom forced us to come in. She always treated us to steaming cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows melting on top when we came in out of the cold.

Things have certainly changed over the years. Mothers no longer make snow cream, mainly because our skies are so polluted the snow really isn't clean when it falls to the ground. Not a lot of children are motivated enough these days to leave their televisions, video games, computers and the comfort of the sofa to go outside and play in the snow. I find that all a little sad and I wonder what will the snow memories be for these children when they grow old?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ring Around The Moon

Last night JD mentioned how pretty the moon was. It was a perfectly round shape and a brilliant silvery white. What was really fascinating about it was the ring around it. The sky on the outside of the ring was foggy and misty looking, yet the sky within the circle was perfectly clear. It was almost like the moon had been framed and hung up there for our enjoyment. We took a couple of pictures of it. I believe that if you click on the picture it should enlarge big enough for you to see what I am talking about. As it some times goes though, the picture doesn't do it justice. We have had such an unusually warm fall that I was starting to wonder if we are going to have a winter this year. wiki.answers.com has the following to say about what we saw which answers my questions about where winter has gone:

"Moon Ring Weather Folklore:

Folklore has it that a ring around the moon signifies bad weather is coming, and in many cases this may be true. So how can rings around the moon be a predictor of weather to come? The ice crystals that cover the halo signify high altitude, thin cirrus clouds that normally precede a warm front by one or two days. Typically, a warm front will be associated with a low pressure system which is commonly referred to as a storm. It is believed that the number of stars within a moon halo indicate the number days before bad weather will arrive. Give it a try the next time you observe a moon halo."

I received a surprise in the mail yesterday from my brother. He had a VCR tape of a family Christmas in '92 and burned it to a DVD. As I watched my mother in the DVD and heard her voice again it felt like she was giving me a warm hug. Even though it has been 8 years since she lost her battle with cancer, I still miss her so much during the holidays. I will never be able to express how appreciative I am to my brother for the DVD that he sent to me. I was blessed to have had her for my mother. To my way of thinking, my life would have been well lived if just one person feels that my presence in their life was a blessing and that I had made a difference for just one person.

May your week ahead be filled with blessings and love.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

All Decked Out

As promised, here are the pictures of the deck that J.D. built this summer. Of course no project is complete around here unless the boys add their touch to it.

Seth put in about 20 minutes and decided that he was "tired". He came in for a drink, a little TV and of course a litle cat nap.

I think what really tired him out more than anything else was having his big brother for a foreman.

Riley takes his work quite seriously and will work until he drops. He has been that way since he was big enough to pick a hammer up and carry it around with him.

After putting in his day's work he told his Papaw not to do any more work on the deck until he can come back to help him.

I am very proud of all the work J.D. has put into our ridge top home. He even built an Adirondack chair that I found the pattern for online.

As I look around here at all of the improvements J.D. has made to our home in the 5 years we have lived here, I can't help but wonder if he realizes how very much I appreciate him and everything that he does.

I have told him how much appreciate him, but still I wonder. I trully have been blessed to share my life with J.D.

I think all that is needed now is a bottle of wine (coffee if you prefer) and a fire in the fire pit that kids gave J.D. for his birthday. If you happen to be in the neighborhood stop by and join us.
Blessing to you all !

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back In The Groove

I am trying to get back to my (if not daily) close to daily postings. I thought I would start by making a few cosmetic changes to my pages to get me in the seasonal frame of mind. Next on my blog to do list is to see how many of my favorite blogs are still out there. I hate to think that some of you are no longer posting, but I am pretty sure that is what I will find. So if you are still out there, be looking for me to stop by for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine in the next day or two.

The summer months were very busy ones. Filled with birthday celebrations, traveling south to Arkansas to see grandson Derick graduate, more birthday celebrations, going south again to join son Greg and his family on their vacation (more on the vacation at a later posting) and Dr. appointments. Last but by no way least, J.D. added a beautiful new deck to the house with a little help from Riley and Seth. I will be sharing pictures of the construction and end result of the deck in the next few days. For now though I need to get started on my new to do list. Check back tomorrow and I hope to surprise you with another posting.

May God's blessings rain down on you as your go about your day.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

World Diabetes Day

That's right, it is World Diabetes Day once more. Seems like only yesterday the world was turning on Blue lights in recognition of World Diabetes Day. This year we will be doing the Big Blue Test to bring Diabetes into the light on World Diabetes Day. You can learn more about what the Big Blue Test is all about by visiting TuDiabetes. After visiting TuDiabetes and learning about the "Big Blue Test" initiative, you won't be baffled when you start seeing all these numbers popping up on Blogs, Twitter and Facebook.
November being Diabetes Month and also the month of offering thanks, I would like to show appreciation to the encouragement and support that I receive from family, friends and the diabetes groups that I belong to on a daily basis. There are so many web sites out there that have brought diabetes out of the darkness and into the light with answers to questions that we as diabetics struggled to find the answers to just a decade ago. I love to sing the praises of AmMed Direct every cahnce that I get. They have been a God send to me. Before AmMed Direct came into my life my test strips were costing $65.00 and up for a 1 month supply. I am sure that I was not alone when I say that I tested as little as possible to make those test strips go as far as possible. As a result, my diabetes was out of control and stayed that way. Since Am Med Direct came into my life my test strips arrive at my door in regular intervals at no cost to me. I no longer have to limit my testing and what a difference it makes in controlling my numbers. I am now better able to identify what foods I have to be careful with, as well as what activities are going to affect my numbers. I have been able to learn the good carbs from the bad ones by testing regularly and often. Thank you AmMed Direct, you are all a great bunch of caring people. Please pay them a visit and see if they can assist you too. I wouldn't leave Accu-chek out of my praises for any reason. They truly lift me up. When was the last time you went to a store and looked at the tags to see where the merchandise you are buying comes from? We do this pretty regularly. Accu-chek still make their meters and test strips right here in the USA. They make a good product that I trust and the fact that it is made right here is just frosting on the cake as far as I am concerned.

OK, here are my "Big Blue Test" results. My start reading was 129 followed by a trip to the mail box and a walk around the yard with Buddy by my side. Might not sound like a much, and you would be right about the walk to the back of the 2 1/2 acres that we have cleared, but the walk back is all uphill (and I did walk down hill even if I was tempted to roll down). I didn't get the full 14 minutes in though because my arthritis reared it's ugly head and the pain convinced me to stop. My second reading was at 125 which all things considered, I am satisfied with.
Blessings to all and keep checking those numbers......................

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dona Nobis Pacem

Who among us have not dreamed of a world of peace? It has been a dream of mine since childhood and the days of the Cold War and bomb shelters. Since the days of Howdy Doody or Captain Kangaroo being interrupted to test the signal for the Emergency Broadcast System. Flash forward 55 years and we not only still have to fear the threat of someone pushing the panic button that could destroy all of us, but we also find ourselves living in fear of another terrorist attack on our own soil. Gone are the days of not locking the doors of our homes. The doors of our house was never locked. In fact, I don't know that we ever had a key to the doors or if there was even a lock on them. I find it sad that our children and grandchildren will inherit a world in worse shape than the world we grew up in.

"World peace can be achieved, revealed, offered and manifested on earth when in each person the power of love replaces the love of power."

~ Sri Chinmoy

"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."

~ Emerson

"This is the way of peace:

Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love."
~ Peace Pilgrim

May we all follow the path of peace.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I want to thank everyone that has offered up prayers for my friend Jackie. We learned recently that she is going for radiation treatments 5 times a week and that the cancer is now attacking every part of her body. The doctors have told her that she can expect to live another 6 months or perhaps a year.

I watched cancer steal my mother away 8 years ago. The cancer would sneak in and take a little bit of her away at a time. First it was her independence followed closely with no longer being able to control her thoughts and speak what was in her heart and on her mind. Next came her ability to walk. After many months of watching her become a shell of a body that once was my mother, I watched as the light left my mother's eyes and was replaced with an empty stare. I was at her bedside when she took her last breath before going on to her reward.

How cruel this disease is to those that it attacks. It doesn't discriminate, it doesn't matter to cancer the age, race or religion of it's victims. All the money in the world can not change your destiny if cancer has chosen you as it's next victim. I would venture to say that everyone has lost at least one loved one or someone they know to cancer.

Please continue to remember Jackie and her family in your prayers. I will continue my prayers for Jackie in the hope that there is a miracle out there with her name on it. In case there isn't a miracle for her, then I will pray that our Father will ease her pain as she waits to join Him.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Joys And Tears Of Friendship

Have you ever had a friend that is always there exactly when you need a friend the most? How about a friend that no matter how screwed up you sometimes are, she is by your side offering unconditional love and understanding? I have such a friend and her name is Jackie. She has been the sister to me that I have always dreamed of having. When I was going through my divorce and between the stress and the Prozac, my mind was telling me I would be better off to just go to sleep and never wake up. Jackie was there to talk me in off of the ledge so to speak. Not only was she there for me at that time, but she lined up a group of friends up who loaded me down with so much love and support and gave me the strength that I needed to see me through that nightmare.

Our friendship consist of more than the stormy weather love and support. We have had our share of good times and laughs. On one of Jackie's visits to Ohio, I took her on a tour of our countryside. I pointed out the cows grazing on the hillside and told her that we grow lop-legged cows here. Two of their legs are shorter than the other two. This is necessary so they don't tumble down the side of the hill. We had a good laugh over that. To this day every time I see cows grazing on a hillside I think of Jackie. Then there was the time that she commented that I was a loyal friend much like a good dog is loyal. I told her that it was all because she handed out such good ear scratchings.

About 6 years ago she was diagnosed with colon cancer. She fought the battle of her life. Once diagnosed as being cancer free, the colon cancer did not come back. Recently she was having a problem with her knee and leg and went to the Dr. to try and find out what was causing the problem. After x-rays, MRI's and bone scans she went to the Dr. in Atlanta Thursday, the 3rd for results. She was told that she now has bone cancer. The Dr. directly admitted to Emory Hospital and Jackie went through a 3 hour surgery on Friday, the 4th. I am asking you to please offer up prayers for Jackie and to place her name on as many prayer groups as you can. She needs as much strength as she can muster to get through this. Her battle with the colon cancer took it's toll on her and she still wasn't back to 100% when she was hit with the news of the bone cancer. It would be easy to throw in the towel and give up, but I know that God answers prayer and he is in the healing business.

May your week bring you many blessings.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Busy Week Ahead

Seth will be going in for surgery on his neck Thursday morning. He has had a visible knot there since he was just a wee baby. It has grown gradually over his two years and just recently it opened up and lots of yuckies oozed out. The Dr. found that there is still something in there which is the reason for the surgery. It will be a 90 minute procedure and they will be intubating him. Please remember our little guy in your prayers. I will be sure to give you an update.

Me, Chris and Theresa


I thought I would get this post done early because the rest of the week is going to get past me in a hurry. The above picture was taken on my baby boy's first birthday. Saturday we will be celebrating his 34th. Would someone please tell me where did the years go! We will be hosting Chris' birthday dinner complete with those brats on the grill that he loves so well. Melody tried to pull a fast one on me by demurely asking if I was going to fix fried chicken too. It didn't work.... I am fixing chicken for the ones that don't like red meat (I don't know where these people came from), but not fried. It will be on the grill and soaked in BBQ sauce. We will have my potato salad (something else they always are wanting) and baked beans. Getting on with this birthday post, I am so proud of you Chris and the man that you have become. I don't remember a time in Chris' life that he wasn't quick to take an every day situation and add something funny to it. When he was 4 years old we were living in Santa Ana, California. Chris' dad's step mother and one of her friends had come across country to visit with us. The friend was getting dressed one morning and Chris just barged right into the bathroom while she was putting on her bra. She was a breast cancer survivor and one of her breasts had been removed. Chris just happened to see her putting the breast form into her bra and he was quite puzzled by it. She allowed Chris to stand in the doorway while she finished her morning routine of getting dressed. Next on the list was to brush her false teeth and then put them in her mouth. Following that was combing her hair, which amounted to adding an extra piece that made it look like her hair was nice and thick. When she had completed her morning ritual Chris was just flabbergasted by the whole ordeal, but still found the words to describe what he had just witnessed. He told this nice older lady that she was just like a puzzle, it took a lot of pieces to put her together in the morning. Chris, you have certainly added spice to my life so it wouldn't be bland or boring. I remember when I would have to punish you for something that you did and you would look at me with those big brown eyes and long eye lashes and ask me how I could be "SO MEAN TO YOU"...... I remember telling you that I punished you and your sister (not so much as you) because I am trying to raise a couple of descent human beings. I have had quite a few jobs over my life time, but when I look at the people you and Theresa have turned out to be, I would have to say that the most important job I ever had was raising the two of you.


We received a call last week from J.D.'s youngest brother to let us know that he and his wife will be coming to visit us for a few days the end of this week. It will be the first time Hulen and Linda has met my bunch of heathens. I just hope they remember to use their company manners and use their silverware and napkins.... (my children, not Hulen and Linda) hehehehe.

Have A Great Rest Of The Week...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Let Freedom Ring

That Fateful Fourth
by Roger Robicheau

Our will was strong, our want was great
Let freedom reign, what better fate
We journeyed long from Plymouth Rock
The time was clear to end all talk
That fateful fourth our courage showed
Americans - and how we glowed
We won the right to be self known
Our Independence, clearly shown
The test of time has stood us tall
Through bravest hearts, some forced to fall
We’ll always cherish those we’ve lost
Their gift to us, their total cost
Today we face another foe
And stand together, all do know
Please often pray to God above
He’s seen our hearts, He knows our love
©2002Roger J. Robicheau

J.D. and I would like to wish and everyone of you a happy and safe 4th of July weekend. What ever your plans for today, we hope that you will set a little time aside to remember how this country became known as "The Land Of The Free". We also hope that you will offer a prayer of thanks for those that paid the ultimate price for our freedom as well as, those that still stand guard over this great gift that we have been given.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Dreams Do Come True.....

How proud we are of our rebel son, Gregg who lives in Texas. Gregg has been working as a paramedic for some years now. Gregg and Tammi (Gregg's wife and our wonderful daughter-in-law...... Wave at us Tammi :o) have dreamed of the day when their two daughters, Alaina and Becky were on their own. It would be then that they dreamed of journeying across the country as freelance RNs. Before they could do that though Gregg needed to go to school and get his RN training and license. Tammi already has hers. His hard work and studies has paid off. Gregg is now an RN!! We are so very proud of you Gregg. We know that you will do your job with dedication and show the kind of care to your patients that will bring them healing both of the mind and the body. Tammi and her mother Sandra deserve a round of applause too for all that they did to make sure Gregg had the oportunity reach his goals.

J.D. and I have been walking around here with so much pride for our guys that we are puffed up like a couple of toads. You see Gregg isn't the only one that has had a dream come true. Our Yankee son Chris, has also been working hard to realize a goal that he has been reaching for. Chris studied to be an Electrician at JVS. After graduation he drove around 140 miles a day to work at his trade. Because it wasn't a union job he was working for low pay and no benefits. Chris has worked many jobs in his young adult life and wore many hats. When he was fortunate enough to join IBEW local 575 he then found himself working as an electrician at a decent wage and benefits while at the same time back to school to complete his apprenticeship program. The union recently had an opening for an Apprenticeship Instructor. Melody got his resume together and Chris applied for the position. We all were praying, as well crossing our fingers and anything else we could cross because this has been Chris' dream for a very long time. He will only be about 5 miles from home..... No overtime, no more long drives to and from work and no more working outside in the cold of winter and heat of summer. Most important he will have more time to spend with his family doing something else that he does in an outstanding way, being a Dad. Chris is finishing up his second week now as instructor. There is no doubt in my mind that the students that finish up their apprenticeship program with Chris as their instructor will be outstanding electricians. Again, we are so very proud of you Chris! Melody deserves a round of applause as well, many times she has taken up the slack doing her part as well as Chris' as a parent because demands of Chris' jobs were requiring more time from him for one reason or another.

Last week we were able to catch Riley and Alley Oop's ball games on the same day at the same time and the same place. Chris is now able to help with coaching Riley's t-ball team. Another of Chris' dreams coming true. He is so good when it comes to dealing with children, he knows that the important part of these games isn't winning or losing, but learning and enjoying the game.

Wishing you all a beautiful and safe 4th of July weekend!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Melancholy Reflexions

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet,
And whither then? I cannot say.

I have discovered Facebook recently. Is it just me or do you all find it to be a bit addictive like I do. I find myself checking posts on Facebook more often than I check for new e-mails. A long time friend, Linda Sue from Junior High has started a group for the school that we attended way back then. So far 9 of us has joined the group and hopefully there will be many more.

As I sat and paged through the old class pictures that has been posted on the group wall, besides the fact that we all looked like a bunch of geeks, as one classmate commented, I was swept over with melancholy reflections of things that happened way back then, as well as things that has happened since those days so long ago. I thought back about the friends whose journeys have taken them on to the higher plain. My good friend Bruce for instance, who took his own life. I wondered if we had stayed in touch over the years, could I have said something to him that might have helped him move past his desire to end his life. The classmates whose car was hit by a train on their way to school one morning. Memories of my friend Tony whose life ended much too soon. He had a heart as big as Texas. There was also another classmate who took a bottle of pills in the girls restroom one day. They were vitamin pills so there was no harm done...... but she definitely made a cry for help that day.

There were also memories of good times too. My favorite school lunch was Sloppy Joes. It was always served with corn and chips. To this day when I make sloppy Joes the side dishes are corn and chips. There was the time that Linda Sue, Bruce and I were selected to decorate the Gym for the school dance. That was a fun day for the three of us. I remember the day that I got caught chewing gum during my lunch break. I was promptly taken to the office, bent over the desk and a wooden paddle applied to my rear. Hmmmmm...... I figured that since it was my lunch break I should be able to chew gum if I wanted to. I was wrong of course and received my punishment for the crime I had committed. I have thought about that many times when I have visited my grandchidren's schools where you walk through the doors and then pass through metal detectors. While some schools today not only have the metal detectors, but off duty policemen and security guards walking the halls as well.

In my Junior year of high school we moved from Springfield, Ohio to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. While I attended Shawnee High School in Ohio I was part of the Block 'S' pep squad. When I enrolled at my new school in Florida I asked if they had something similar that I could join. I thought that would be a good way to meet people........ I was met with looks like I was some sort of nut case or from another planet.

Memories of riding the bus to and from school with Mr. Miller at the wheel as our bus driver. Linda Sue and I called him Poopsy..... lol He was a farmer when he wasn't chauffeuring a bus load of younguns' around and a wonderful man. I understand that he has died too.
As a final memory to share with you in this post is that during the winter when it got cold enough for the skating pond to freeze there was a phone number that you could call for information as to rather the pond was safe for skating or not. Many of us that called that number could have cared less about the condition of the skating pond. The reason being that when a bunch of calls came in at the same time it would jam the lines and we found ourselves in a huge party line type of situation where we could all talk together. I spent many enjoyable hours talking on that line. Taking into consideration that call waiting had not been invented at the time I got my rear chewed out many times for keeping the home phone tied up.

You might have notice that I changed the music on my blog. I have always associated a song or a group of songs to certain times, people and events in my life. These songs take me back to the time in my life when my Independence seemed so far away. A time when I thought I was bullet proof, until I let down my guard only to have my heart broken. The laughs and the tears that came with being a teenager. I sometimes wish that I could travel back to that time and say the things to those that I cared about that was left unsaid and keep in touch with those that played such an important part of my tender years.

May your good memories out number the bad and sweet enough to bring a smile to your face.

Monday, June 22, 2009

More News Of Marty

Patty (Marty's mother) has had a private detective working on finding Marty for several months now. Last week, the detective arranged for a major TV station in Houston to come out and do an interview with Patty and Ruth (Marty's sister). After the story aired, the station received information from 8 families who have missing family members in the area where Marty was last known to be. These families were not being kept abreast of what, if anything, was going on in the missing persons investigations. Evidently the TV station put some pressure on the homicide unit.

Patty was not told where Marty's skull was found. That was something she really wanted to know. The homicide detective in charge told a retired detective where it was found. The retired detective let Patty know. She sent the private detective to the area. There was a residential area nearby a 40 acre field and a cemetery further back. The private detective and his son began searching the field and found parts of a skeleton.

It was Marty. Coroner told Patty that they recovered everything except both arms. His clothing was there, wallet, and his ID. This coming week they will begin searching with dogs to recover any more missing parts.

For those of you who are familiar with Houston area, the discovery was made in Barrett's Station/Crosby area off Lullaby Lane.

Patty now hopes that the remains will be released to her soon so that she can have a memorial service and have the remains cremated to be buried with her body at her death.

This family and others with missing members still definitely need prayers.