Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Everything's Coming Up Springtime

(Click on collage to enlarge)

There is no mistake that spring is making an appearance around here. The trees and flowers are starting to bloom and stretching their limbs out toward the sun after a long winters sleep. We seem to be doing the same after a long winter of being pretty much confined to the house on the mountain. We have been as busy as the birds building their nests, going to Britt's band concerts, Britt's high school musical, Taryn's 5th grade musical program honoring our heroes and Riley's musical program with songs about a tropical retreat to Hawaii. There was even a little guy in Riley's Program that was sporting a Mohawk like Buddy's. Oop's softball games will be starting soon and Riley will be playing tee-ball this year so the entertainment spills over into the summer months. Oop told me the other night that this year she is raising a cow and a lamb for 4-H. So we will have the judging to look forward to in July. Taryn has been taking piano lessons and she will have a recital coming up soon as well. I love watching these children perform. All of them put their whole heart into what they are doing. Of course Seth isn't into any organised activities yet, but when he is old enough to be involved G'ma and G'pa will be there to cheer him on too.

(Click collage to enlarge )

Britt and Michael have birthdays in January and that just is not a good month for trying to gather everyone together for a birthday celebration. It seems as though the weather never wants to work with us on that. So we did a group birthday dinner for Britt, Michael and Melody in March. Melody got her fried chicken, Britt got her chicken noodles and Michael got his mac and cheese. Melody's grandmother turned 91 this year and Melody's mother packed a bag for her, put her in the car and brought her to Ohio from Kentucky to share her birthday with her grandchildren. She told us she didn't know where Jo (Yes, Melody's mom is a Jo too! You can never have too many) was taking her, but it took a long time to get there. Melody has been a part of our life since 1996 and this was the first opportunity I have had to meet her grandma. When you think of the perfect grandma that is wonderful and sweet and everything good that a grandma should be, then you are thinking of Melody's grandma.

I posted not long ago that April brought my big "60" birthday....... My dinner was held at Chris and Melody's. Melody served up lasagna and a big chef's salad complete with cake. I got a big laugh out of Seth. He was so excited about my birthday. He took me straight to the dining room to see all of the pretty plates and the gifts. Everything was just perfect. Seth is all about those birthday cakes. I was talking to Melody on the phone just the other night and could hear Seth in the background singing, "Happy Birthday Mommaw, Happy Birthday Mommaw". My thanks to my children, grandchildren and husband for all they do for me. I am a very fortunate woman and thank God every day for the blessing of my family.


Mike Golch said...

great post,thanks.

farmlady said...

Happy happy Birthday Jo. It's not so bad being 60 is it? We have family, grandchildren and good husbands. We have a home and life is pretty good. Lot's to be thankful for.
Wishing you happiness and peace in your heart. Love, Elly Mae

Jess said...

So gload everything is going so well for you and your family.

Love th pictures and the update.

Happy belated birthday.

Have a great rest of the week

Love, Jess