Sunday, October 26, 2008

Spread The Light

SparkPeople Translation:

Word of mouth is more than just spreading rumors; it’s also a way to help out others. So many of us learn something new and promptly sit on the information. But instead of keeping this newfound knowledge to yourself, why not help out someone else? Say you learn how to use a CD burner; why not show your brother, Mr. Music fan, how to as well. We all possess information that someone else does not have, information they probably would find useful. It might even be someone close to us. So take a new lesson or skill you have learned and share it, and hopefully a friend will return the favor to you.


Lib said...

Hi Jo,
A great Post!
Hope You have a great wk.

Shelley said...

Wonderful post! You are so right. Thanks for reminding us.

Love ya!

Gene Bach said...

Because knowlege is power and if I give you my knowlege I won't be pwoerful. LOL!

Just kidding. Never understood why folks won't help each other out.

By the way, I decide to start blogging again and threw up a new post if you wanted to check it out.

BClark said...

Neighbor helping neighbor. Wonderful reminder. This how I gain much of my knowlege from the wisdom of others.

BClark said...

Neighbor helping neighbor. Wonderful reminder. This how I gain much of my knowlege from the wisdom of others.

Mountain Mama said...

I'm glad you shared this. It's so true! We all know about something that someone else would like to learn.