I had called to talk to Melody last night and she told me I needed to hurry and start posting to my blog again because she had a prayer request. Her request is for a friend's 2 month old grand daughter, Gracie. Following a seizure Gracie was diagnosed with Lissencephaly, also known as 'Smooth Brain Syndrome'.
This is a somewhat rare disorder. Normally, while the brain is developing during pregnancy, neurons develop in the center of the brain and migrate to the outer layers of the brain, forming the hills and valleys of the brain . In Lissencephaly children, something goes wrong during this migration and the neurons are left scattered throughout the brain, leaving incomplete connections.
The doctors have told the family that Baby Gracie will probably not live longer than two years. I can't even begin to imagine how heartbreaking it would be to wake up every morning and wonder if this is the day that my baby will die.
We are praying for a miracle here. With your help it could very well happen. We are hoping for a world wide effort in prayers for this precious little one. Please right click on the Baby Gracie graphic above and display it on your blog and send it out in e-mails with the request that it be forwarded on. Feel free to copy this posting and use it in your e-mails and on your blogs. By one hand taking another hand, and another, and another we can form a prayer chain that reaches around the world and all take part in praying for a miracle to touch Baby Gracie.
I have created an e-mail account in case you would like to send a message of hope to Baby Gracie's family : Pray4babygracie@gmail.com
May you be showered with more blessings than you know what to do with.